Newsletters Newsletters

July 10, 2021 Newsletter

Park County’s Draft Conflict Mitigation Regulations – not a substitute for zoning but we can make them better, with your help. Plus Park County Community Foundation's GIVE A GOOT Fundraising Campaign kicks off.

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Newsletters Newsletters

May 18, 2021 Newsletter

Conflict Mitigation and Beyond, plus your chance to testify before Livingston City Commission on the draft Growth Policy; Friends of Park County suggests some final improvements; massive Heart K Ranch development on the agenda too.

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Newsletters Newsletters

May 6, 2021 Newsletter

Livingston Planning Board completes its work, dramatically improving the draft Growth Policy. Park County draft Conflict Mitigation Ordinance sent out for public comment. Several bad land use bills have just been passed by the Montana Legislature; others still a threat as session draws to a close.

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Newsletters Newsletters

April 14, 2021 Newsletter

Our efforts to persuade the Park County Planning Board to take action to stop rural sprawl. The final deliberations on the Livingston GrowthPolicy – including critical discussions about how to turn an advisory policy statement into reality on the ground.

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Montana’s Unaffordable Housing Crisis

Montana Business Quarterly: The lack of affordable housing has been an increasingly difficult problem for many Montana communities. With relatively few affordable homes available for households earning a low income, and with much of the existing affordable inventory aging and in need of rehabilitation, many households earning a low income are being priced out of housing markets.

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Newsletters Newsletters

April 2, 2021 Newsletter

The Livingston Planning Board has made great strides in transforming a very ordinary, sprawlaccepting growth policy into a strong statement in favor of compact, traditional pattern of development and the protection of the farmlands, ranch lands and wildlife habitat around the city from rural sprawl.

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