Housing Housing

Park County Housing Coalition

The mission of the Park County Housing Coalition is to create a community-based collaborative effort to increase opportunities for Park County residents to access housing where they can afford to live and thrive.

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Housing Housing

2022 Housing Action Plan: Park County, Montana

The Park County housing action plan (HAP), finalized in early 2022, aims to define clear goals, strategies, policies, priorities, and responsible parties for implementation to create and preserve homes affordable to Park County, Montana, residents. The plan will define a mechanism to monitor progress and priorities.

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Montana’s Unaffordable Housing Crisis

Montana Business Quarterly: The lack of affordable housing has been an increasingly difficult problem for many Montana communities. With relatively few affordable homes available for households earning a low income, and with much of the existing affordable inventory aging and in need of rehabilitation, many households earning a low income are being priced out of housing markets.

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