Three County Planning Board Vacancies to be Filled soon; Application Deadline is November 30

Three County Planning Board Vacancies to be Filled soon; Application Deadline is November 30

This is a great opportunity for residents who want to provide leadership to protect our quality of life

The terms of two members of the Park County Planning Board come to an end next month – Lara Birkes and Taya Cromley.  Cromley also serves as the voting member and liaison to the City of Livingston Planning Board and was a key participant in the update of the City’s Growth Policy.  Another vacancy has been created by the selection of Bryan Wells to fill a vacancy on the County Commission.Friends of Park County appreciates their volunteer service on the Planning Board.Members are appointed by the County Commission and serve terms of two years.Under Montana law, the County Planning Board is responsible for preparing Growth Policies, the one document that represents the vision of the citizens for how Park County is going to grow and what it is going to look like in the future. After the Planning Board drafts the Growth Policy, it is the responsibility of the County Commission to adopt it or reject it. After the County Commissioners, the Planning Board is the most important body in determining the future of Park County.Two of Friends of Park County’s founders, Frank Schroeder and Jeanne Keffeler, served on the County Planning Board, a service which informed their thinking about land use planning and regulations in the County.Ken Cochrane, Friends of Park County Board President called on residents of Park County who care about protecting our quality of life to submit their applications to the County Commission.“The County Planning Board needs to be balanced by including people who believe strongly in the need to manage growth and development and will help lead that discussion.” Ken Cochrane, Friends of Park CountyThe deadline for submitting an application is November 30 .The County Commission typically conducts interviews if there more than one applicant for each position.The Commissioners will probably make their decision in early December.

What you can do: Apply to serve on the Planning Board! 

Applications can be picked up at the Commission office or by clicking here.  The positions are open until filled.Please return applications to Carly Ahern in the County Commissioners office via email,  Contact → →, or mail to:  414 E. Callender Livingston, MT 59047.


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