Growth Policy Repeal Measure Update

Growth Policy Repeal Measure Update

Friends of Park County collaborating with other organizations and residents to respond to the measure that would eliminate local control and put the County’s future in the hands of developers

Friends of Park County is working with other organizations and individuals to respond to the June 2024 ballot measure that calls for repeal of the County’s 2017 Growth Policy.Repeal of the Growth Policy will mean that the voices of over 800 people – people who spent their precious time during the creation of the Growth Policy to go to meetings and express their ideas for how Park County should deal with growth – will be negated.In addition, the repeal measure would mean that the County will be prohibited from adopting sensible regulations needed to protect the magnificent wildlife, water and lands from the kind of sprawl that is overrunning Gallatin County.Do we really want our future to be be determined by developers, based solely on their drive for profits, many of whom have no roots in Park County?For the next few weeks, our work to help Park County voters understand the importance of retaining the Growth Policy is in the organizational phase. We will work hard with other organizations to help our fellow residents understand what will be at stake next June.

How you can help:

There are three ways you can help FPC respond to the repeal measure:

  1. Sign up to distribute educational information to your social media network that reaches Park County voters. We’ll be getting these materials out to you in the coming weeks.
  2. Contact organizations in which you are active and ask them to adopt a resolution opposing the measure. If they need someone to explain the measure to them before acting, we can help arrange a briefing.
  3. Make an extra contribution by year end to Friends of Park County to cover the cost of this extra work.

As the June 2024 election approaches there will be more ways to help. We promise to keep you up to date.


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