We Welcome Sandra Lambert to Our Board of Advisors.

We Welcome Sandra Lambert to Our Board of Advisors.

The members of the Friends of Park County Board of Advisors are people with knowledge, skills and experience that we can call upon or who will volunteer advice on what we are doing, how we are doing it and the other people who could help us.This summer we welcome another member to the Board of Advisors:Sandra Lambert After growing up in Kansas City and earning degrees at the University of Missouri, she began a career of college teaching and then being an author’s editor.  After moving West, a forest fire destroyed her family’s home and they moved to Jackson Hole, where she taught skiing and kayaking, rode horses, and climbed. She has served on many boards including for Mountain Journal and led the capital campaign for a shelter for abused women and children. She lives in Livingston, when not fishing she monitors meetings of the Park County Commission and Planning Board.You can see the full roster of our Advisors on our website.


Mountain View commercial sprawl subdivision back before the Livingston Planning Board on Wednesday August 16.


Anne Donahoe Schroeder honored as Friends of Park County’s Outstanding Volunteer.