Thanks to You, Our Give a Hoot! Fundraising Campaign Was very Successful!

Thanks to You, Our Give a Hoot! Fundraising Campaign Was very Successful!

Friends’ Board to consider hiring staff to start this Fall.

August 2023

Thanks to your generosity during the Park County Community Foundation’s Give a Hoot campaign, Friends of Park County received $64,351 in donations, plus an additional $13,000 in later payments and future pledges.Those amounts, plus up to $10,000 in possible matching contributions from the Park County Community Foundation, will bring the total raised to $87,351 – 87% of our very ambitious $100,000 goal.That goal was set to enable Friends of Park County to hire an executive director, its first and only permanent staff.  (We have been aided by various consultants since our founding.)Even though we fell a bit short of our goal, our spending is also less than budgeted so far this year.  This means that the dream of permanent staff may be in reach.  The Board of Directors will discuss and then decide whether, when and how to proceed later in August.In the meantime, send us a message if you know of likely candidates for the position, someone with:

  • The ability to lead, organize, administer and execute the work of the organization, including working with community members and an active Board of Directors, Advisors and supporters.
  • Experience with rural land use planning and regulation and the related land use politics and controversies.
  • Proven fund-raising success, primarily with individual donors.
  • Excellent communication skills, written and oral.

Challenging, varied and interesting work with an active Board while living in one of America’s most beautiful places - we might be overwhelmed with qualified applicants!


The Disinformation Campaign about City Annexation and Zoning. Growth Policy Mandates Compact Growth Inside Current City Limits.


Mountain View commercial sprawl subdivision back before the Livingston Planning Board on Wednesday August 16.