Park County Planning Board Spending Months Talking about How to Engage the Public in Discussions about Their Concerns – Without Taking Actions to Address Those Concerns

Park County Planning Board Spending Months Talking about How to Engage the Public in Discussions about Their Concerns – Without Taking Actions to Address Those Concerns

At its meetings since last Fall, the County Planning Board has been talking about – talking.More precisely, it has been discussing for six months a plan for consulting with the residents of Park County about … how to consult with them.  At its April joint meeting with the County Commission, the County Commission Chair urged the Planning Board to discuss various pressing issues with the public.  This was an excellent suggestion, but the Planning Board ignored it.It has been seven years since the County last updated its Growth Policy. State law requires the Growth Policy to be updated every five years.  The Park County Growth Policy identified scores of implementation steps the County needed to complete by now, which it hasn’t.  But for the foreseeable future, the Planning Board intends to spend time talking with each other about how to talk with the public about their concerns - and, as required by, law reviewing new development proposals that are the source of the public’s concern.


Big-time glamping comes to Paradise Valley, which has no regulations governing this - or any other type - of rural commercial development.


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