Park County Commissioner Bill Berg Resigns

Park County Commissioner Bill Berg Resigns

Picking a successor with similar view on land development and conservation would honor the voters’ election of Berg in 2020.

 County Commissioner Bill Berg, a supporter of planning and land conservation, announced his resignation for health reasons.  His last day in office will be Wednesday September 19.Berg served in volunteer and leadership roles over the years with the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce, Greater Gardiner Community Council, on the Gardiner Gateway Project, and Park County Planning of Commissioner Bill BergHe was first elected to the County Commission in 2016 and was re-elected in 2020.  He was one of the Commissioners that shepherded the 2017 Park County Growth Policy through an extensive public comment process and adoption.  His words and actions confirmed his leadership as a supporter of sound land use planning and regulation that would balance development with conservation.Left: Commissioner Berg listens closely to planning consultant Randy Carpenter during Friends of Park County’s August 2021 educational tour of the Springhill Zoning District in Gallatin County.Friends of Park County (FPC) co-founder and former Board President Frank Schroeder served on the County Planning Board during Berg’s tenure and the development of the Growth Policy. Schroeder said: “I enjoyed working with Bill.  He was knowledgeable, did his homework and was a good listener who encouraged participation from the Planning Board and the general public. He was devoted to Park County.”"(Bill Berg) did his homework...was a good listener who encouraged participation from the Planning Board and the general public. He was devoted to Park County.”  Frank Schroeder, FPC co-founder, former Board President and former Planning Board member.At the Commissioners’ September 11 meeting, (attended by Friends of Park County Board member Jen Vermillion) Commissioner Tinsley outlined the process for filling the vacancy.The vacancy will be posted in the newspaper three times, on social media, various outlets in Gardiner and Cooke City, as well as around Livingston.Applications, in the form of a cover letter and resume, are due by Friday October 13 at County Elections Administrator Maritza Reddington’s office.They will be screened to ensure the statutory requirement of having been a resident of District 2 for at least two years.Qualified applicants will be invited to participate in a public meeting and interview process at a public meeting on October 16.Each candidate will answer the same set of questions at their interview. Public comment will be allowed following interview process.Commissioners Tinsley and Story will score the candidates’ responses to the questions.The final decision must be made and announced by Thursday, October 26th.


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