County Commissioners Select Bryan Wells to Fill County Commission Vacancy

County Commissioners Select Bryan Wells to Fill County Commission Vacancy

Park County Planning Board member Bryan Wells was selected to fill the vacancy on the County Commissioner by Bill Berg’s resignation in September.Wells was appointed on October 26 at the end of a process in which eleven people submitted applications and Commissioners Tinsley and Story narrowed the field to five finalists who presented their credentials and reasons for seeking the appointment at a public interview process on October 24.Wells, who owns and operates five tourist rental cabins up Emigrant Creek, has served on the County Planning Board for several years.  He was among the businessowners who successfully fought the Lucky Minerals gold mine.In a 2017 interview in the Sierra Club’s magazine, “Sierra” he said” “Some of my environmentalist friends are people I would never talk to before and we disagree on a lot of things, but we can be friends. We can talk about stuff and share ideas and respect each other. That’s the way it should be.”

What you can do:

Please welcome Bryan Wells to the County Commission and let him know what you believe the County Commission should be doing to plan for and manage growth and development in Park County.bwells@parkcounty.orgoffice: 406 223-9162


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